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Loving all people, growing in faith,
    working toward God's vision of
    justice, healing and joy

   An Open and Affirming/Creation Justice Congregation

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THIS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16 – Rev. Dr. John Danner, Mark’s predecessor as SCUCC Senior Minister, will return to serve as guest preacher. John and Linda recently announced that they will be permanently relocating to North Carolina in a few days, and so we have asked John to come and preach one more time at SCUCC before their departure. Following Worship, we hope you will join us for Fellowship Time so we can send John and Linda off with our blessings.

​​​​The Church Office is regularly open from 9am-3pm on Monday through Friday.  ​

Mark is normally on campus Tuesday-Thursday pending pastoral visits or off-site meetings. Please feel free to just “drop by” or make an appointment directly with him by email: or text/phone at 908-477-5426.

Mackenzie Albert, our Director of Music, is normally on campus each Wednesday and some Fridays. Please feel free to come by or make an appointment by phone or text at 203-517-5427.

​​​​ Spiritual Exploration

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Our current unit continues this week!

“Church on Sunday, Citizen on Monday” 

Tuesdays: February 11 and 25

7:00-8:15 pm on Zoom

In conjunction with the start of a New Year as well as a time of government transition, this five-week unit will explore what it means for us to live as  citizens who are Christians in a nation that is religiously and spiritually diverse.

Our sessions will be grounded in the work of Professor Emeritus of Religion and Christian ethicist Eric Mount, exploring issues related to economics, governance and the environment, with an emphasis on Mount’s “Three C’s” of Covenant, Community and the Common Good.

Each session will be sufficiently independent to accommodate those who are unable to participate in all of them. We hope you will consider joining in on all or any of these timely and needed discussions.

Bible Study

Bible Study will meet this Thursday, February 13, at 10:30am on Zoom.

Each week, we explore the passages which will be part of that coming Sunday’s Worship. Then sessions are discussion based, with Mark guiding a structured conversation based on participants’ questions, concerns and considerations of the text.

The passage(s) to be looked at each week, as well as the necessary information for joining in, will be sent by email each the day before.

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Gala Benefit
Pass to All Events $250
February 28 Private Home Cocktail Party at 6:00 pm
March 1 Gala Concert Ticket at 7:30 pm and Afterglo Reception.
To order call or text 404-226-3842, or purchase online to reserve Gala Passes.
Passes limited. Expected to sell out.

For more information regarding the concert schedule and tickets, please go to their website at:

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The Choir Welcomes New Members!

Our Choir has been growing this fall, with several new members already, and is looking forward to welcoming even more singers.

If you enjoy singing, or have always wanted to sing, but never quite managed it, this is the perfect time to join in. Our group rehearses at 4:30 PM on Wednesday afternoons, and often goes out to eat at Jerry’s afterward.

Why not stop by and see what it’s like? You are also welcome to call or text Mackenzie with any questions at 203-517-5427.

A Message from the Membership Committee


We are excited to share our renewed commitment to growing our membership base and reimagining our presence within the vibrant community of Sanibel and Captiva. As part of this journey, we aim to enhance the visibility and accessibility of our campus while encouraging greater participation in our cherished programs.

Offerings such as Dinner for 6, Bible Study, Spiritual Explorations, and new initiatives like an Island Men’s and Women’s Group, Hammerheads Group, Painting Musical Presentations, Yoga, and Parish Nurse Activities and Visits are just a glimpse of what’s ahead. Additionally, we continue our dedication to environmental stewardship through the Green Team and look forward to hosting special events that bring us together in faith and fellowship.


To better connect with our community, we plan to actively participate in island events, local stores, and community initiatives. We are also looking to expand our team and warmly invite you to join us during this exciting time. Together, we can build a stronger, more connected, and spiritually enriched community.

Stop by our Membership Team’s Welcome Table, located outside the Sanctuary before our Sunday Worship Celebration, to chat with us, learn more about our programs, and discover how you can be part of this meaningful journey.

   From the Mission & Benevolence Committee


After a two-year pause following Hurricane Ian, the Sanibel UCC in conjunction with Bat Yam Temple is pleased to announce the return of the monthly Food and Paper Products Drive.

When:  Every Third Wednesday, 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Where: Church Parking Driveway

Each organization will supply 2–3 members to accept drive-in donations of:

  1. Non-perishable food items

  2. Bath and kitchen paper products


Collected donations will benefit local neighbors in need through F.I.S.H. and the Gladiolus Food Pantry.


How to Volunteer:

If you are interested in assisting with this effort, please contact:

Ed Hannon, Mission and Benevolence Committee Member:  (239) 240-7524

Just a reminder, if you would like to make a donation to the Food Pantry, please address your check to SCUCC and include Food Pantry on the memo line.                               

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Ushers Needed

We need ushers, if you would like to be added to the contact list, please reach out to Inky Meng at

Interested in being a Liturgist?

Thank you to all who have contributed to our Sunday Worship these last few months.

If you are interested in being a Liturgist, dates are open for March, April and May. Please send an email to with all of the dates you are available to read, and I will contact you in return.

Happy New Year!

Sharon Hannon

                            Fellowship Time

Please consider volunteering your time to serve during our Fellowship Time after Worship. It’s a wonderful way to contribute to our community, connect with others,     and give back to our spiritual home. If interested, please contact Mary Cavendish at        304-673-4495.

Here’s how you can help:

Sign Up to Serve – Select a Sunday and mark it on your calendar! You’ll find a sign-up sheet on the table at the back of Fellowship Hall. Serving is easy, and help will be available if needed.

  1. Bring a Treat – If you love to bake or have a favorite snack to share, consider bringing it along to make our Fellowship Time even more special. Beverages are also welcome.

  2. Contribute to Fellowship Time – If serving isn’t for you, a donation is a meaningful way to support this cherished time together.

  3. Your time, treats, or donations will be deeply appreciated, making our gatherings warm and welcoming for everyone. Thank you for considering this opportunity to serve and strengthen our community!

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 Men’s Group February Luncheon

The Sanibel Congregational UCC Shell Point Men's Group will have its next monthly luncheon meeting Tuesday, February 11th at noon at the Palm Grill in the Woodlands Common. Please make reservations with Bruce Findley at

.Women’s Group February Luncheon

The Sanibel Congregational UCC Shell Point Women’s Group will have its next monthly luncheon meeting Friday, February 14th at 11:30am. The location is yet to be determined. Please make reservations with Emily Kletzien at

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Coming Soon - CPR Classes

The Health Ministry is pleased to offer CPR classes this February in Fellowship Hall. Dates will be announced soon.

Each class will be approximately two hours long, and priority for sign-ups will be given to ushers. Please note that class sizes may be limited.

Stay tuned for further details, and we encourage those interested to sign up as soon as registration opens.

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Dinners for 6, 7 or 8

One of our most loved offerings is the social gatherings known as “Dinner for 6, 7 or 8”. If you would like to participate, please send your names, email addresses and phone numbers Shirley Akins at  

Interested in Joining SCUCC???

If you are considering becoming a member of SCUCC, or would simply like to find out more about us, please let Rev. Mark know. After you and he discuss the expectations and, as the old commercial says, “the benefits of membership”, you and he can schedule a Sunday that works best for you to become an official part of the SCUCC community.

Like A Ride To Worship?

If you would like a ride to Sunday Worship from Shell Point or Cypress Cove, please contact the Church Office at by noon on Thursdays.

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Gentle Yoga with Grethe

Join Grethe in Fellowship Hall on

Thursdays at 10:45 am.

Please arrive a few minutes early to check-in.

The Santiva Islanders, Cardio & Strength Classes

Please join Mahnaz Bassir at SCUCC for cardio & strength. SCUCC is a temporary location for this class while St. Michael’s repairs Hurricane Milton damage. Classes are held Monday, Wednesday and Friday in Fellowship Hall.  Due to the popularity of the class and the instructor, there are now two sessions available: 9:30-10:30 and 11:00-12:00.

Mahnaz has long been a favorite exercise instructor on Sanibel. Come find out why. You’ll meet friends and have fun, all while getting and staying fit.

The class starts off with light to moderate aerobics, followed by strength and balance exercises, and concluding with stretching. Please bring plenty of water and a towel. Participants may also want to bring light weights to use during the strength portion. Exercises are done standing so there is no need for a mat.

Come try a class out for free. After that, the cost for Santiva Islander Members is $5 per class/$60 per calendar month. The cost for non-members is $10 per class/$120 per calendar month.

An annual Santiva Islander Membership is $25.

You can join online or at the door.

Our mission is to love all people…grow in faith…and work toward God’s vision of justice, healing and joy.  Our character is to reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ: acceptance, forgiveness, kindness, respect(for each person, our islands and our earth), joy and love toward one another. You'll find us a positive,non-judgmental place for you to worship, praise, rejoice and find the purpose our Maker has for each of us, provided each week in a positive and uplifting message. Our church is one where you will be loved, accepted, supported, and affirmed regardless of your age, class, ability, race, ethnicity, gender identification, or sexual orientation.  No matter who you are, or where you are in your life journey, you are welcome here!

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