Loving all people, growing in faith,
working toward God's vision of
justice, healing and joy
An Open and Affirming/Creation Justice Congregation
THIS Sunday, September 22
This Sunday is the second of our two consecutive “Godapalooza” special music Sundays. The name “Godapalooza” is derived from the combination of the titles of the famous musical “Godspell” and the long running annual music festival known as “Lollapalooza”. All of which means that this Sunday and next we will be blessed by music from Godspell performed by our own Henry Crater and other SW Florida performers, led by our Director of Music, Mackenzie Albert.
Church Office Hours
The Church Office is open Monday-Friday, from 9am-3pm.
Mark is normally on campus Tuesday-Thursday pending pastoral visits or off-site meetings. Please feel free to just “drop by” or make an appointment directly with him by email: mark@sanibelucc.org or text/phone at 908-477-5426.
Mackenzie Albert, our Director of Music, is normally on campus each Wednesday and some Fridays. Please feel free to come by or make an appointment by phone or text at 203-517-5427.
Spiritual Exploration
Our Spiritual Exploration program is now on break until early/mid-October. Enormous
gratitude to all who participated since last fall. Stay tuned toward the end of September for an announcement of the fall start date.
Bible Study
Enormous gratitude to all who participated since last fall. Stay tuned toward the end of September for an announcement of the fall start date.
Volunteer Liturgist for Sunday Worship Celebrations
As we approach the beautiful season of autumn, we invite you to consider serving our congregation as a liturgist during our Sunday worship services. We are seeking volunteers to read scripture and lead parts of the liturgy.
This is a wonderful opportunity to share your voice and deepen your involvement in our worship life. Whether you are a seasoned reader or new to this role, your participation will enrich our services and help foster a more meaningful worship experience for everyone.
If you feel called to serve in this way, please sign up as soon as possible.
Starting October 6 through November 24th, you may send your availability to
Sharon Hannon at skbhannon@aol.com.
From the Mission & Benevolence Committee
The Gladiolus Food Pantry is in need of small manual can openers and travel size personal hygiene items. Both are used by homeless people since they don't have much in the way of storage and most rely on canned foods which don't require cooking. This is in addition to the usual canned foods, children's cereal, pasta and pasta sauce.
Ushers Needed
If you are interested in ushering for Sunday Worship, please contact Frank Palaia at flpalaiajr@cs.com.
Floral Invitation
We invite you to contribute to the Floral Fund.
This fund is dedicated to preserving the memory of a loved one through the vibrant and uplifting presence of flowers. If you would like to honor a loved one by dedicating flowers to a Worship Celebration, please visit or contact the Church Office.
Floral dedications will be featured in the weekly bulletin.
"Adopt a Sunday”: Fellowship Hour
Please consider “Adopting a Sunday.” You can choose a date and mark it on your calendar to commit to serving during our Fellowship Time on that day. It is a wonderful way to contribute to our community and connect with others. Volunteering your time to help our spiritual community is a meaningful way to give back.
Dates available for October 2024: 10/6, 10/13, 10/20 and 10/27
If you would like to help prepare and serve refreshments for Fellowship Time after Worship on Sundays, please sign up on the sheet found on the table in the back of Fellowship Hall. It is easy, and assistance will be available if needed. Donations of light fare and/or help with serving or cleanup will be greatly appreciated.
Shell Point Men’s Group October Luncheon
The Sanibel Congregational UCC Shell Point Men's Group will have its next monthly luncheon meeting on Tuesday, October 8th at noon at the Palm Grill in the Woodlands Common. Please make reservations with Candy Atchison at JimAtch@aol.com or 561-714-4655.
Shell Point Women’s Group October Luncheon
The Sanibel Congregational UCC Shell Point Women’s Group will have its next monthly luncheon meeting on Friday, October 11th at 11:30am at the Palm Grill in the Woodlands Common. Please make reservations with Emily Kletzien at emily.kletzien@gmail.com.
Dinners for 6, 7 or 8
One of our most loved offerings is the social gatherings known as “Dinner for 6, 7 or 8”. If you would like to participate, please send your names, email addresses and phone numbers Shirley Akins at akinsteach@gmail.com. Dinners have ended for the season, but will resume with new groups in the fall.
Interested in Joining SCUCC???
If you are considering becoming a member of SCUCC, or would simply like to find out more about us, please let Rev. Mark know. After you and he discuss the expectations and, as the old commercial says, “the benefits of membership”, you and he can schedule a Sunday that works best for you to become an official part of the SCUCC community.
Like A Ride To Worship?
If you would like a ride to Sunday Worship from Shell Point or Cypress Cove, please contact the Church Office at office@sanibelucc.org by noon on Thursdays.